general liability

Risky Business: Tree Trimming and Removal Services

The tree trimming and removal industry helps to maintain the beauty and safety of residential and commercial landscapes. However, this line of work comes with unique risks and hazards that demand thoughtful risk management. Help your tree trimming and removal clients understand the significance and value of general liability insurance — so they can get the coverage needed to protect against the dangers inherent to the industry.

The Hazards of Tree Trimming and Removal

Tree trimming and removal is undoubtedly a hazardous occupation. Workers are often perched high in trees, handling heavy equipment and contending with unpredictable environmental conditions. 

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a fatality rate of 100 per 100,000 tree trimmers and pruners, according to the Tree Care Industry Association. This data highlights the inherent risks tree trimmers face, including falls, equipment malfunctions, and contact with objects and equipment. 

Moreover, the potential for property damage is significant, as tree limbs can fall unpredictably and cause harm to structures, vehicles, or neighboring properties.

The Importance of General Liability Insurance

General liability coverage for tree trimmers can help businesses weather unexpected storms. This insurance covers a wide range of risks that tree-trimming professionals face.

Property Damage

If a tree limb falls and damages a client’s property, the cost of repairs can be substantial. General liability policies can cover the expenses, saving the tree-trimming business from bearing the entire financial burden.

Bodily Injury

Injuries to workers or bystanders can occur during tree removal and trimming operations. Proper insurance coverage can help mitigate the costs of medical expenses, rehabilitation, and potential lawsuits.

Third-Party Claims

Suppose a client or a neighbor files a claim against a tree trimming business for property damage or personal injury. In that case, general liability coverage can help with the legal costs and settlements.

For example, consider a scenario where a tree trimming crew accidentally drops a heavy branch onto a client’s car, causing significant damage. Without tree service insurance, the financial burden would fall squarely on the company, potentially leading to significant financial strain. 

However, with general liability coverage, the insurer would cover the costs, allowing the business to continue its operations without crippling losses.

Tailoring Insurance Coverage for Tree Trimmers

Every tree-trimming business has specific needs, whether it’s the type of equipment used, the scale of operations, or the geographic location. Customizing tree trimmer insurance policies to address these industry-specific risks is essential.

Ensure your client’s insurance policy adequately covers the specialized equipment used in tree trimming, such as chainsaws, chippers, and bucket trucks. Depending on the location of the business, policyholders may need to address weather-related risks, like storm damage, more comprehensively. Finally, review client contracts to understand the scope of their obligations and potential liabilities, and tailor their insurance coverage accordingly.

General liability insurance is essential for mitigating the financial risks associated with the tree trimming industry. By safeguarding against property damage, bodily injury, and third-party claims, tree trimmers can continue their vital work without the constant fear of unexpected financial setbacks.

About Commodore

Commodore Insurance Services, Inc. (Commodore) is a California corporation that operates as a Managing General Agency and Program Manager. Since incorporating in 1990, Commodore has developed an expertise in the production and underwriting of insurance products for businesses across the West Coast. Our focus is on providing top-level insurance products to our clients while striving to make it easy to do business for our brokers.  Try us and find out why we have continued to be successful for more than 27 years and are recognized as the trusted leader in small business insurance.